Document Holders Writing Slopes
Document holders keep printed materials needed during computer tasks close to the user and the monitor. Proper positioning of document holders depends on the task performed and the type of document being used. Many office workers will be required to manage and track documents throughout their work days. While this paperwork might seem harmless, employees can substantially benefit from the use of ergonomic document holders in their offices.
Using a document holder avoids neck twisting by bringing the document close to the monitor and keeping it at a readable angle. This also reduces eyestrain by keeping the document at approximately the same distance and angle as the screen. Most computer users work with loose documents or loose sheets. They are mostly placed beside or in front of the keyboard. An awkward posture with curved spine is unavoidable. Also the eyes are used intensively. In this situation is it almost impossible to adopt an ergonomic working posture. The document holder places the documents at a 45⁰-60⁰ angle between the keyboard and the monitor appropriate placement of the holder may reduce or eliminate risk factors such as awkward head and neck postures, fatigue, headaches, and eye strain allowing the user to be more comfortable.